Key Consulting supported a project to help School in Maglaj affected by floods

In May 2014 Bosnia and Herzegovina was affected by the biggest floods in the last 120 years. The severe and widespread rains affected over a million people, triggered over 3,000 landslides, hit 75,000 houses out of which 25,000 were severely damaged or destroyed.
Devastating floods also caused extensive damage to many schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One of the most affected areas was the municipality of Maglaj. Prva Elementary School in Maglaj was badly damaged during the May floods and was renovated within the EU Floods Recovery Programme, financed by the European Union.
Bröjn and Liv Westland are children of very good friends of Kemal Hadžić, CEO of Key Consulting. They live in Eemnes in The Netherlands and they come almost every year during holidays to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Immediately after flooding in May, they have initiated and organized a special project at their primary school Het Noorderlicht in Eemnes to help other kids affected by flooding in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
They collected a lot of useful material for primary school children, among other things pens, notebooks, accessories, balls. Bjorn and Liv visited Prva Elementary School in Maglaj in July this year and donated the collected material to the director of the school Mr. Admir Gračić.
Key Consulting helped Björn, Liv and their school in Eemnes to connect with the school in Maglaj and supported this project with the organization of logistics from the Netherlands to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Note: some pictures are takenover from EU Floods Recovery Programme.